Sunday Services:

@ 10AM and 5PM

Lunch @ 12.15pm


4500 Thornton Ave.

Fremont CA 94536



One of the most important call for the local church is to be the pillar and ground of truth as outlined in 1 Timothy 3:15. The mystery of godliness as revealed in Jesus Christ and proclaimed as the Gospel is the core truth entrusted to the Church that it may stand upon. And so, all that we do in our worship and fellowship of God’s people, whether it is in the singing of songs or children time or the ministering of God’s word, it is centered around what God in Christ has done, His word, His glory for the blessing and edification of His people.
Here are few recent recordings that we welcome you to listen in order  to get a glimpse and be richly blessed!

Micah Sermon Series

VBS Kids Presentation

Worship Songs

I’m new

Coming to a church service for the first time can be both exciting and intimidating. We appreciate the desire to join us, and hope the time you spend in worship with us will be both meaningful and a blessed one.
Our Worship Services are characterized by a mix of both traditional and contemporary aspects, where everything that happens is centered around God and Christ, His word, His glory, and for the blessing and edification of His people.

Order of events:

1. Word of prayer, followed by lively and traditional worship songs with Christ exalting and God glorifying themes.
2. Devotion or worship exhortation where congregants are given the opportunity to worship with a song or a few words that come from a broken and contrite heart.
3. Worship with free-will offering unto our Lord, and announcement of church events / upcoming schedule. We also let first time guests be introduced and welcomed.
4. Kids are sent to Sunday School, and adults
are ministered with God’s word.
5. C
ommunion time as we come around the Lord’s table where everyone who has trusted and received Jesus as Lord and Savior are welcome to part-take.
6. C
oncluded with prayer and benediction.

Right after the worship service there is a time of fellowship with food (either Lunch or Snack) where there is an opportunity to really connect and get to know each other better so that we may better serve one another in Christ.


Who are we?

We are the people of God, who practice christian faith, and love our Lord Jesus Christ, serve His people, and reach the world with the Gospel of Christ, which is the only hope for salvation by the power of Holy Spirit, for the glory of God. We focus our lives to cling to the cross, treasure the Scripture(& Gospel) so that we are transformed into the image of His dear son our Lord Jesus Christ.
Authentic (True) Worship
  • Father seeks such to worship Him (John 4:23)
  • In spirit and In truth (John 4:24)
Biblical Discipleship
  • Transforming into Christ (Eph 4:15)
  • To the Glory of Christ (John 17:24)
Passionate Outreach
  • Reach the Un-churched (1 Cor 9:22, 2 Cor 5:19)
  • To the Praise of the Glory of His grace (Eph 1:6)
Intimate Fellowship
  • Serve by the Power of Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)
  • To the praise of the working of His great Might (Eph 1:19)


Worship with Giving/Offerings:

Worship is ones heart expression of love, adoration, honor, and praise to the Living God with an acceptable attitude and an acknowledgment of His supremacy and Lordship. As we have an opportunity to Worship God with Giving, its important we do it in a way that is acceptable to God and pleasing to Him
Before you give to Beloved’s Church,  request you to consider the following prerequisites:
1. Are you born again and have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior? If not, we desire you to know Christ personally through the faithful preaching of the true Gospel from the Bible. Later, you will be a child of God to give to His kingdom work.
2. Are you giving first and regularly to your local church where you should be ministered and faithfully serve and shepherded? If not, we urge you do so in a bible believing church, teaching sound doctrine, in a word based, Christ centred church and route your faithful giving there.
3. Are you in a financial crisis and debt? We pray that God would first help you in your financial decisions to enable you out of the same and urge you to not give.
– Having reflected on the above, if you have been blessed above and beyond to give to Beloved’s Church, you may do so cheerfully as an act of Worship well pleasing to our Lord –

Support Beloved’s Church Vision & Mission: 

Investing in Eternal Kingdom work: 

Giving through Secure Bank Account transfer

For Bank Transfers use – Account transfer(through Zelle*):
Registered Email:
Name: Beloveds Church
* Supported by most banks

Giving through Secure Paypal(prefered for credit cards)

As the LORD your God has blessed you, you shall give to him.”- Deuteronomy 15:14
             “…for God loves a cheerful giver” – II Corinthians 9:7

Support through Amazon Smile


The greatest missionary, who ever lived on earth was the LORD Jesus Christ Himself. He left his father’s abode, the glories of heaven and took the form of a man, and died on a cruel cross, so that He might reconcile sinful men and women back to God. His message was God’s great love for mankind.
The God of the Old Testament is a missionary God, calling one family in order to bless all the families of the earth. The Christ of the Gospels is a missionary Christ; he sent the church out to witness. The Spirit of the Book of Acts is a missionary Spirit; he drove the church out from Jerusalem to Rome. The church of the epistles is a missionary church, a worldwide community with a worldwide vocation. The end of the Revelation is a missionary End, a countless throng from every nation. So It may be apt to say that the theme of the Bible is a missionary and ministry. The evidence is overwhelming and irrefutable. Mission cannot be regarded as a regrettable lapse from tolerance or decency. Mission cannot be regarded as the hobby of a few fanatical eccentrics in the church. Mission lies at the heart of God and therefore at the very heart of the church. A church without mission is no longer a church. It is contradicting an essential part of its identity. Church is indeed a mission.
According to Ephesians 4:11-13, different ministries exist to build up the body of Christ which is the Church. Please navigate through the following ministries to benefit from, involve or even contribute to.


We have more information to share about prayer requests, missions we support, our partners and event picture gallery.